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Galabuzi book launch – ‘Racism is a Canadian phenomenon’

APRIL 11, 2006 – The tiny space of Bathurst Street’s best bookstore could barely handle the overthrow crowd of more than 100 people March 30, there to help Grace-Edward Galabuzi launch his new book. Canada’s Economic Apartheid: The Social Exclusion of Racialized Groups in the New Century,[1] is a revised and updated version of a study which, when it was released, sparked a much-needed debate on racism in this country.

“Between 1980 and 2000” said Galabuzi, “there has been a 361 per cent increase in poverty for racialized groups in Toronto. “Too often we think of racism as something experienced only by our brothers and sisters south of the border,” he said. “But we have to know that racism is a Canadian phenomenon.”

The huge pool of impoverished labour in the Global South is the underbelly of today’s booming global economy, he went on, just as “slavery was at the beginning of capitalism’s history.”

You can order the book from the usual internet book-buying corporations. But if you’re in Toronto, do yourself a favour. Get yourself to “A Different Booklist”, 779 Bathurst, just south of Bloor and the monstrosity that is Honest Ed’s. [2] Give your business to this fantastic resource. And if you spend a little time browsing the shelves, you’ll end up walking out with one or two other indispensable gems needed in the fight against racism and capitalism.

And if you can’t get there – then a phone call (416-538-0889) or an email ( will put you in touch with the folks at the store, who can order the book for you.

One way or another, get this book. It is a weapon in the struggle.

© 2006 Paul Kellogg. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.


[1] Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Canada’s Economic Apartheid: The Social Exclusion of Racialized Groups in the New Century (Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2006).

[2] In 2006, the store was across the street. I have provided the current address. Honest Ed’s is gone, replaced by Mirvish Village.

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